Why Should You Outsource HR Instead of Automate It? Part 3

Why Should You Outsource HR Instead of Automate It? Part 3

HR should be a core component of the company, serving as the heart of how employees relate to the business as an employer. Don’t replace that opportunity to build employee loyalty to the company by taking the humans out of human resources. Instead, turn to experts and outsource your company’s HR needs to avoid tricky situations like the following.

In this scenario, you invest in software to automate your human capital management rather than building a relationship with a dedicated HR provider. And because your company is growing, you need to hire some new employees to keep the momentum going.


You click a button to put a job posting online. Applications come in, but you don’t see most of them — you have the system set to screen resumes for the keywords you want. 

What if you miss out on a stellar applicant because their resume doesn’t have the right keywords, even though they have the experience? A qualified candidate with incredible skills, who may have been the perfect fit, could be accidentally filtered out.

You miss out on great applicants because you don’t have time to work on all the necessary setup, like background checks and reference calls.

Hiring & Onboarding

So you find a candidate you like (hopefully the best one wasn’t filtered out before their resume ever reached your desk) and decide to move on with the hiring process. So you have your automated system send them the information they need and the forms they need to fill out to be brought on board. Saves time, right?

Are you sure you are providing them with all the information they need to do their job?

What if they have a unique personal situation that requires some additional flexibility when getting them set up?

Have you provided necessary trainings to protect your company from potential lawsuits?

After the Hire

So your new employee has been working for a while, and all seems fine. But wait — there’s trouble in paradise. You’re not sure about the finer points of the Affordable Care Act, or there’s difficulty processing their payroll. Maybe you’re having a hard time tracking their time. 

What do you do?

It’s simple. It’s time to reclaim your time, keep your business safe from legal issues, and ensure that you have the HR resources you need to support company growth. And that means it’s time to start outsourcing HR.