Emulating Your Heroes: Can It Help You Get Ahead in Your Career?

Given how important a person’s career is to them and how much time they spend working, it seems like it’s important, even necessary, to make sure that their career is one that they truly want to be in and that it moves along at the pace they want it to move at.

Is Your Career Where You Want It to Be?

There may be times when people might decide to change their career later on in life, which means starting over. Or you might jog along at an easy pace in your career only to find that you haven’t achieved everything you wanted. In which case, it is time to take action.

Have You Achieved Everything You Want?

Many people feel like they haven’t achieved enough, and they blame themselves because they think that they haven’t worked hard enough to get the things they wanted. But the fact is that most of us are working quite hard. We’re putting in a lot of hours into our jobs.

Do You Have Any Heroes You Try to Emulate?

The solution to a career which has tanked is not merely to work harder and harder but to visualize your ideal work situation. This is where your heroes come into the picture because they usually represent a person’s ideal.

Do you have any heroes who have achieved what you want to achieve? If you’re a writer, there must be some other writer you are trying to emulate. If you’re running a business, there must be some well-known entrepreneurs you respect and follow.

Advantages of Emulating Your Heroes

It’s important to have heroes because they present you with a strong visualization of what you want out of your own life. Use your heroes as a jumping off point. They can be your inspiration for doing more or for doing things differently. They can give you new ideas and show you that it is possible to achieve your dreams.

Disadvantages of Emulating Your Heroes

You may not want to be a carbon copy of your hero because you also want to make your own contribution to your field. And the worst thing is when you start comparing yourself to your hero and thinking that they’ve achieved much more than you have. In such cases, it’s better to come up with a different ideal which doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself.