3 Things That All Successful People Have in Common

When you’re trying to do a certain thing in your life, it makes sense to get advice from other people who have done something similar. So if you’re trying to be more successful, you can take advice from successful people.

And the truth is that there are certain rules which govern all kinds of success. For example, being successful as a novelist and being successful at running a business might seem like very different things. However, there are certain things that both, successful novelists and successful businesspeople do.

The same goes for successful athletes, successful fashion designers, successful artists and even successful homemakers. There is something you can learn from all these people, as long as they are successful.

Keep Going

One of the most important things that successful people do is that they keep going no matter what happens. According to Malcolm Gladwell, anyone who has put 10,000 hours of work towards something is going to be immensely successful at that thing.

It may seem impossible to count exactly how many hours you’re putting into your business but as long as you do keep putting them in, that’s what matters. Eventually, you will get to the 10,000 hour point.

Be Creative

You may think that you have to be in a creative field in order to be successful. But what really is creativity? It’s just the ability to think outside the box.

For example, if you’ve always kept your money in a CD but you decide, one day, to put it in a mutual fund, that’s creativity. You’re doing something different even if you’re not working in a field that people usually recognize as creative.


Working well with other people is an important part of any profession. You may think that certain professions don’t require you to communicate, but this is not true. In every profession, you have to communicate in a different way.

When you’re a writer, you’re writing for an audience. When you’re making a product, you’re making it for an audience. It’s the ability to think about what others want and giving them that thing which determines how well you communicate.