

Avoiding Perfectionism and Looking at the Big Picture in Your Business

Many of us believe that it’s good to be a perfectionist. After all, the very word “perfection” has a positive ring to it. It sounds like something that’s better than anything else. But it’s also very easy to get bogged down in perfectionism. When you keep trying to get all

Happy at Work in America, 2019 Version

A recent survey by CNBC shows that of the sample of American workers polled, fully 85% described themselves as happy at work. What factors were considered contributors to happiness in the workplace, and what seemed to matter to people the most? The survey measured satisfaction or happiness in five areas. Pay and

The New Talent Marketplace: The Human Cloud

The New Talent Marketplace: The Human Cloud

The Human Cloud is a buzzword in human resources and talent management circles. Brought about by the growing gig economy, the human cloud is the group of contingent workers, from carpenters to consultants, who form the on-demand or gig working world. The way these on-demand workers organize themselves and their

How To "Let Go" And Trust Your Employees To Do The Job Right

How To “Let Go” And Trust Your Employees To Do The Job Right

One way to get a lot of pressure off you as an entrepreneur is to delegate work. But in order to delegate, you have to trust your employees. This doesn’t just mean trusting them with money or trusting them to be honest. It also means trusting them to do the

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

It might seem like a cliché to say that you have to change with the times but it is nonetheless true. Many organizations are set up in a certain way and continue to function in that way 10 or even 20 years later. But the fact is that the things

Nap Desks: Yea or Nea?

The Nap Desk has arrived, a lovely desk that folds, like a piece of origami, into a separate sleeping space underneath while retaining a functional desktop. The back wall of the desk slides into place as a mattress, thin but functional, and the side-ends can be lowered for a breeze.

Reskilling and the Microcareer: The Future of Work

Reskilling and the Microcareer: The Future of Work

The idea of the future of work being extremely different from the present is causing mild degrees of panic across the world. With the rise in automation, robotics, financial technology, and AIs, will humans even have a role in the working world? If so, how can we prepare for it

Grow Your Business Faster, and Have Fun!

Grow Your Business Faster, and Have Fun!

What is the secret to having fun at work while you are busy growing your business? One professor at Harvard Business School claims the good-for-business secret involves hiring rebels. In her book, Rebel Talent, Francesca Gino tells us that rebels break through limits and achieve good outcomes. What is a

Why You Should Be a Coach to Your Employees

Why You Should Be a Coach to Your Employees

Maybe you’ve heard of employers who take on the role of coach in the workplace. And maybe you rolled your eyes, thinking that coaches belonged at the football stadium, not in your office. Instead of dismissing the idea of coaching, take a look at the ways your employees can benefit