Human Resources

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

It might seem like a cliché to say that you have to change with the times but it is nonetheless true. Many organizations are set up in a certain way and continue to function in that way 10 or even 20 years later. But the fact is that the things

Tips to Deal with Conflict in the Workplace

Tips to Deal with Conflict in the Workplace

When you are a business owner or even a manager, you are probably very concerned about the culture of the workplace. You are going to want to provide a calming environment where everyone feels safe and able to do their work. However, when there is conflict, it can really mess

Rebranding Job Titles a Challenge for HR

Rebranding Job Titles a Challenge for HR

A new trend in the workplace–rebranding job titles to add a bit of charm, fun, or humor to the workplace– can both attract younger workers, impact innovation, and give staff a light-hearted look at leadership. On the downside, however, rebranding job titles can lead to confusion and misunderstood expectations. New

Why You Should Be a Coach to Your Employees

Why You Should Be a Coach to Your Employees

Maybe you’ve heard of employers who take on the role of coach in the workplace. And maybe you rolled your eyes, thinking that coaches belonged at the football stadium, not in your office. Instead of dismissing the idea of coaching, take a look at the ways your employees can benefit

The Modern Workforce: Casual, Creative and Non-Hierarchical

The Modern Workforce: Casual, Creative and Non-Hierarchical

How is the modern workforce different from the workforce that went before? Are millennials different from their predecessors in any significant way when it comes to work? Do they have a stronger work ethic or a weaker one? Are they more inclined towards certain professions than others? Are their expectations

Human Resources Opportunities: Remote Workforce

Human Resources Opportunities: Remote Workforce

Human resources departments have been challenged by a rapidly diversifying force that is working across multiple territories, platforms, and through changing job structures such as remote work by employment or contracting. These workplaces have the potential to create agile, highly motivated and tech-prepared employees. But challenges include unifying systems, languages,

Empowering Human Resources With Chatbots

Empowering Human Resources With Chatbots

Chatbots are, for modern businesses, a gateway into the many uses of AI already up and running in the business world. These programs, developed through research into natural language processing, can imitate human conversation and solve tasks using an automated structure. Chatbots (bots is short for robots) can assist HR

Authenticity & Transparency with Employee Relations

Authenticity & Transparency with Employee Relations

Today’s leader is one who is authentic and transparent in both words and actions. Organizations function better in an ethical and open environment due to greater trust, better work relationships, higher morale and increased engagement. It is up to the leader to promote authenticity & transparency with all your employees.