
Peeking Lady

Facing Fears to Achieve Your Interpersonal and Professional Goals

There are many situations in which a person has to face their fears. Some might be career-related and some might be personal. But the fact is that if you face your fears in any one area of your life, you also end up doing so in another. So your career

Lady Med

Getting Rid of Mind Chatter for Increased Wellness

It’s a little difficult to define the word “wellness.” According to the Oxford dictionary, it is “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” So pursuing good health is wellness. Wellness: Being in the Present In daily usage, wellness doesn’t just refer to physical health.

The New Talent Marketplace: The Human Cloud

The New Talent Marketplace: The Human Cloud

The Human Cloud is a buzzword in human resources and talent management circles. Brought about by the growing gig economy, the human cloud is the group of contingent workers, from carpenters to consultants, who form the on-demand or gig working world. The way these on-demand workers organize themselves and their

How To "Let Go" And Trust Your Employees To Do The Job Right

How To “Let Go” And Trust Your Employees To Do The Job Right

One way to get a lot of pressure off you as an entrepreneur is to delegate work. But in order to delegate, you have to trust your employees. This doesn’t just mean trusting them with money or trusting them to be honest. It also means trusting them to do the

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

It might seem like a cliché to say that you have to change with the times but it is nonetheless true. Many organizations are set up in a certain way and continue to function in that way 10 or even 20 years later. But the fact is that the things

5 Authentic Empowerment Tips to Lead People Without Force

5 Authentic Empowerment Tips to Lead People Without Force

As any businessperson knows, running a company isn’t merely about increasing the bottom line. Of course, it’s important for a business to make a profit (unless you’re running a non-profit organization), but it’s also important for it to be a good place for people to work. If your employees aren’t

Guide to Preventing Workplace Violence

Guide to Preventing Workplace Violence

According to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), there are two million reports of violence in the workplace each year. What is worse, many experts believe these types of incidents are under reported. Business leaders need to realize the severe ramifications of such an event that often persist long after

Reskilling and the Microcareer: The Future of Work

Reskilling and the Microcareer: The Future of Work

The idea of the future of work being extremely different from the present is causing mild degrees of panic across the world. With the rise in automation, robotics, financial technology, and AIs, will humans even have a role in the working world? If so, how can we prepare for it

What is "Deep Work" and Why Is It Needed?

What is “Deep Work” and Why Is It Needed?

You do not want your company considered “average” in the business world. Instead, leaders aim to create meaningful enterprises with high creativity and high profitability. To craft a business that is above the ordinary, you and your workers must embrace the concept of “deep work”. Cal Newport, the author of

10 Creative Ideas to Improve Motivation Levels in Your Office

10 Creative Ideas to Improve Motivation Levels in Your Office

When you’re going to the same workplace day after day and doing the same work, you may find that your routine becomes tedious. It may become hard to motivate yourself to keep going. And if your work is quite stressful as well, motivation becomes even harder. So how do you