

Landing a Dream Job…Even if You’re Not Qualified

Everyone wants to land their dream job. But, it’s a lot easier said than done, right? Not necessarily. If you know which efforts to put forward and what you should be looking for, you might learn that what you think your dream job may be, actually isn’t, and learn what

Train Like an Athlete To Become an Amazing Business Leader

Star athletes win acclaim, awards, followers and, most of all, success. Guess what? Business managers want to attain the very same things–to be known, obtain accolades, inspire their teams and make their businesses profitable. Just like sports stars, the most ambitious leaders strive for excellence. So, what do sports people

Introducing a System of Checks and Balances in Your Business

When you run a business, you need to stay alert about your business needs. At the first sign that something may not be going as well as you want, you need to start looking into it and find a solution. Because if you leave things hanging, the situation is only

How Can Your Employees Have More “Hygge” in Their Lives

When you’re running a business, it’s important to keep your workers happy. Not only does this lead to greater productivity, but it also leads to a better atmosphere at work. And if your workers are happy, they’re likely to stay longer with you. Will Higher Salaries and Better Benefits Equal

5 Qualities You Need to Be an Entrepreneur

Different people run their businesses in different ways. Some might be very patient while others want things done quickly. Some might be more diplomatic when it comes to handling employees and business associates while others might be more brash. There is no one kind of entrepreneur. And the fact is

How to Manage Your Employees and Gain Their Respect

Managing personnel is an integral part of running your business. While overseeing your staff is a challenge, you can make your job easier by maintaining a good relationship with your subordinates. If you can gain your employees’ respect, they will follow your orders willingly and will help you fulfill your


Criticism: When to Ignore It and When to Give it Due Consideration

Criticism: When to Ignore It and When to Give it Due Consideration Whether you work a day job or run a business, you’re going to have to face criticism. And often, you’ll find that you’re being criticized at a very important juncture in your life. For some reason or the

Peeking Lady

Facing Fears to Achieve Your Interpersonal and Professional Goals

There are many situations in which a person has to face their fears. Some might be career-related and some might be personal. But the fact is that if you face your fears in any one area of your life, you also end up doing so in another. So your career

Lady Med

Getting Rid of Mind Chatter for Increased Wellness

It’s a little difficult to define the word “wellness.” According to the Oxford dictionary, it is “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” So pursuing good health is wellness. Wellness: Being in the Present In daily usage, wellness doesn’t just refer to physical health.